隨著智慧型手機的普及,醫療資訊服務的趨向行動化,我們在醫院等級的系統開發廣受好評,為讓更多民眾享受到資訊行動化的便利,我們特別開發了「診所APP行動資訊服務系統」,這套系統是針對診所而量身訂製的!包括民眾最關心的看診進度功能、門診表、醫師簡介、診所介紹、單鍵撥號、交通資訊等。 真正的雲端候診(看診進...
隨著智慧型手機的普及,醫療資訊服務的趨向行動化,我們在醫院等級的系統開發廣受好評,為讓更多民眾享受到資訊行動化的便利,我們特別開發了「診所APP行動資訊服務系統」,這套系統是針對診所而量身訂製的!包括民眾最關心的看診進度功能、門診表、醫師簡介、診所介紹、單鍵撥號、交通資訊等。 真正的雲端候診(看診進...
This is a live wallpaper based on the incredibly popular rage comics (also known as fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu/f7u12 comics). There are a total of 20 faces i...
SignMyPad Pro is the new standard for paperless document transfer—a simple PDF signature tool for mobile devices that embeds the signer’s GPS location...
Hack the planet with Hacker Swiper Pro! With the full version of the app, you have access to:* The official Hacker Swiper game!* The official Hacker S...
AutoDiagnosis is an OBD2 performance and diagnostic tool for any device that runs the Android operating system. It allows to view and clear the troubl...
* Now with Dropbox support to automatically upload your video and photo motion triggered captures to your Dropbox account ** Try FREE DEMO on the Play...
Bienvenidos a nuestra Aplicacion de Taxi VIP 3588888, a traves de esta APP solicita YA! * TaxiVIP * Cancelar * Realizar Seguimiento de tu Vehiculo * R...
대형마트 가기 전에 가까운 편의점에서 더 싸게 살 수 있는 상품들을 간편하게 찾아보세요~ ■ 편의점 1+1 상품 안내 서비스 - 원플러스원 2.0 -1+1은 각 편의점의 1+1, 2+1 행사를 사용자에게 편의를 위하여 제공 하는 서비스 입니다. -매월 계속되는 업데이...
Habits is an Android app that I wrote to help me work towards my goals by turning them in to habits. Add the habits you want to track and each time yo...