嗨女孩! 你喜歡嬰兒和關懷的遊戲嗎?那麼你就需要嘗試這個新的嬰兒護理的遊戲! 南希的母親是在醫院生下了一個男嬰。南希是她的朋友一起玩的遊樂場和奶奶照看的孩子。當他們聽到新生兒的好消息,他們打算在糖果店來慶祝吧!之後,南希和外婆都回家給新生嬰兒!幫助南希洗她和幫助她的母親。你可以安排嬰兒床的嬰兒,然後...
嗨女孩! 你喜歡嬰兒和關懷的遊戲嗎?那麼你就需要嘗試這個新的嬰兒護理的遊戲! 南希的母親是在醫院生下了一個男嬰。南希是她的朋友一起玩的遊樂場和奶奶照看的孩子。當他們聽到新生兒的好消息,他們打算在糖果店來慶祝吧!之後,南希和外婆都回家給新生嬰兒!幫助南希洗她和幫助她的母親。你可以安排嬰兒床的嬰兒,然後...
孩子照顾游戏现在很受欢迎。它们教小女孩子怎么照顾宝贝。照顾宝贝不容易!婴儿不会说话,他不能给你说有什么问题。你要明白什么时候你的宝宝需要吃饭,河水,睡觉,玩。你的负责任很大!新生婴儿护理特点:• 和孩子玩• 有几个选项• 奶妈模拟器游戏• 好听的背景音乐如果你愿意了解怎么照顾婴儿,欢迎下载新生婴儿护...
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My Classroom is a student management application for teachers. It allows for attendance and grade tracking for all your students across multiple cours...
Welcome to Grand StoryTeller™Ever miss telling story to your dear ones because you are away from them? Grand StoryTeller app bridges the distance and ...
WineOn, es una nueva plataforma digital creada para curiosos, aficionados, amantes y extremistas del vino; un lugar donde poder intercambiar y compart...
Dear Parents, Please find a fun-filled app that features kid’s favorite play, learn and grow with his own avatar customized by name ! Your kids are en...
Museums, churches, treasures and collections. "Naples is a Paradise; everyone lives in a state of intoxicated self-forgetfulness" (Goethe - Italian Jo...
My Clock Lessons contains a set of lessons and tools for instructors to help teach time-telling on an analog clock. Lessons are interactive and reinfo...
Napoli è un paradiso!Musei, chiese, tesori e collezioni di Napoli, Ercolano, Pompei e le gemme stupende all'ombra del Vesuvio免費玩Grand Tour Campania IT...