RELOAD is the ultimate target shooting game. Now on your Android device!Shoot weapons ranging from popular sports shooting guns all the way up to heav...
RELOAD is the ultimate target shooting game. Now on your Android device!Shoot weapons ranging from popular sports shooting guns all the way up to heav...
Players is a car rental company in Dubai, UAE, dedicated to bring its clients the utmost driving experience they can get by renting their all-time-fav...
FocusChart helps you deal with the problems of front-focus or back-focus of your dslr camera.It often happens that when you focus on a subject, it doe...
Use this app to highlight parts of a picture you want to stand out. For that, place the oval over the desired region. A blurring (or pixelation) will ...
Recorder, providing voice recording, song recording, music recording, sound recording. Beautiful interface, easy to use, excellent design. Keywords: R...
一款高音質錄音軟件,功能強大,錄音質量比默認的錄音機要高很多,可以實時錄製44kHz的高質量語音。您還可以把錄音內容通過電子郵件和藍牙發送,或直接從SD卡複製錄音內容。按Home鍵可以隱藏錄音在後台運行。 界面漂亮,擁有逼真的錄音效果。支持後台錄音,自定義錄音文件類型,自定義錄音質量。各種人性化操作...
錄音機是專為錄製高品質長時間錄音而設計的。本錄音機軟件是一款簡單,有趣且易於使用的音頻和語音錄製軟件。通過手機麥克風, 它可以用來錄製會議, 講座,演講和個人筆記, 且沒有時間限制!所有的錄音將保存在SD卡內您的手機。所以,你可以通過文件管理器搜索記錄。當您完成語音記錄,你可以簡單地設置您的錄音機聲...
有了這個記錄,你可以在高品質錄製語音筆記。它的設計主要是為了方便使用,比它可以在睡眠模式下工作時,顯示屏關閉等。 主要特點: *語音錄製,在後台運行(即使顯示屏關閉); *高品質錄音; *降噪; *暫停功能,錄音/回放; *易於管理他們的帳戶。查看記錄文件; *輕鬆播放和刪除。 Disclaime...
The is a VERY simple sound recorder. It records 22 kHz WAV files the "Sound Recordings" folder on your SD card.The UI is simple. Don't knock it.Re...