檢舉交通違規 (台灣限定)為了讓交通越來越好,改善交通亂象 ,請多多使用本app .操作步驟:拍照 -> 填寫資料 -> 傳送,即完成舉發台北市以外或不知該選那一分局,請選交通大隊如果您喜歡或覺得本app還不錯,請別忘了點一下廣告讚助一下,讓我們更有動力寫出更多免費的app ,謝謝免費玩檢舉交通違規...
檢舉交通違規 (台灣限定)為了讓交通越來越好,改善交通亂象 ,請多多使用本app .操作步驟:拍照 -> 填寫資料 -> 傳送,即完成舉發台北市以外或不知該選那一分局,請選交通大隊如果您喜歡或覺得本app還不錯,請別忘了點一下廣告讚助一下,讓我們更有動力寫出更多免費的app ,謝謝免費玩檢舉交通違規...
此文是清康熙進士車萬育所著。它是舊時學校啟蒙讀物之一,對于今天學習詩詞者掌握舊韻平仄、對仗技巧和用韻,仍然很有幫助。它按《平水韻》分部編寫,僅平聲三十韻。每韻三則文字,每則文字格式相同:十六句,八韻腳,從一字對、二字對、三字對、五字對、七字對到十一字對。五七字句多是五言七言律句。 車萬育(1632-...
Dress me up!!Dress the cute little indian girl LOLA with stunning stickers in fabulous backgrounds.Show off your fashion skills ,& imagination by mixi...
Ever wonder what it might be like to be a Mermaid? What clothes would you wear around the bottom of the sea? Wonder no more! Try on lovely clothes and...
•Storpia eClipse is a portable WiFi Storage to stream multimedia library to your iPad, and smart phones.•It generated self WiFi network which can be c...
* Perfect for smaller children* Learn about the world in a playful way* Have fun drawing and coloring!,With this fun game for small children and child...
This is NOT just a clock application. It is an application to teach your child, or any kids for that matter, how to read a time shown on a clock. As a...
Hello, in this kids game you will meet a very playful and nicely kitten. She wants to go fishing with her father in order to catch a few small fish th...
It is a legal requirement to have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) on nearly every active construction project, including detailed recor...
This is a very, very fun little game, Hello Kitty loves beautiful today, let us work together to Hello Kitty nail it, in her own paws on a pretty dres...