一名纯真的21岁女大学生安娜斯塔西娅-斯蒂尔(Anastasia Steele,原型为“贝拉”)因为为校报作一篇报道,前去采访28岁英俊的企业家克里斯蒂安-格雷(Christian Grey,原型为“爱德华”),两人之间擦出了爱的火花,但很快安娜就发现格雷的一个惊人的秘密:他喜欢SM(性虐)。得知真...
一名纯真的21岁女大学生安娜斯塔西娅-斯蒂尔(Anastasia Steele,原型为“贝拉”)因为为校报作一篇报道,前去采访28岁英俊的企业家克里斯蒂安-格雷(Christian Grey,原型为“爱德华”),两人之间擦出了爱的火花,但很快安娜就发现格雷的一个惊人的秘密:他喜欢SM(性虐)。得知真...
久加久酒博汇,依赖于集团近 20 年酒水营销经验,与国内外知名品牌供应商长期友好合作,源头采购、正品保证、价格优惠、品类丰富。拥有近百家门店,十万O专业仓储基地,成为浙江 酒水零售终端的第一品牌。专业指导,安全物流,贴心服务,我们对售出的每一瓶酒负责到底。希望以酒为载体,与顾客分享酒中乐趣。 久加久...
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This app will help navigate the numerous, and confusing, websites for federally funded WMD/CBRNE and NFA/EMI training for our nation's first respo...
ResponseVision® 4.0 Mobile gives you real-time access to the project, mission, supply chain, and resource information you need to manage your emergenc...
InventoryVisibility gives you real-time access to resource information you need to manage your emergency response efforts. The mobile application prov...
Esta aplicación permite visualizar los eventos Cloud Day Ecuador y en ella se pueden ver las charlas que se llevaran a cabo, la biografía de los charl...
Locker themes - for ZERO launcher1. New function has been added to ZERO launcher — Screen locker. What are you waiting for,be quick to download these ...
Love You Stickers for Facebook♥♥♥ Presenting the most mesmerizing and fabulous Love Stickers and love emoji app to you. Install this and do romance wi...
♥♥♥ Presenting the cutest collection of Love Stickers and Emoticons. ♥♥♥This app provide you such a beautiful collection by which you can make your ch...