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一名纯真的21岁女大学生安娜斯塔西娅-斯蒂尔(Anastasia Steele,原型为“贝拉”)因为为校报作一篇报道,前去采访28岁英俊的企业家克里斯蒂安-格雷(Christian Grey,原型为“爱德华”),两人之间擦出了爱的火花,但很快安娜就发现格雷的一个惊人的秘密:他喜欢SM(性虐)。得知真...
Make transparent your smart phone screen!The application uses your device camera to display images and convert your device into transparent.You can op...
****POWERCYCLE DEVICE IMMEDIATELY AFTER DOWNLOADING APP****App Update:This update includes bug fixes for certain devices with microphone and speaker i...
A great way to fool your friends with this amazing Prank App. You can make jokes with your fellows and have a fun by making them wondered that they ju...
The Sikh calendar consisting of 12 months . It is used to date events in many countries, and used by sikhs everywhere to determine the proper days on ...
The Islamic calendar or Hijri calendar is a lunar calendar consisting of 12 months . It is used to date events in many Islam countries (concurrently w...
The Buddhist calendar consisting of 12 months . It is used to date events in many countries, and used by Buddhists everywhere to determine the proper ...
Bored of the same old Christmas family outings every year?With Christmas just around the corner, Santa Bomb stimulates your senses – challenging yet s...