Locale Call Detection Plug-in
**This is a condition Plug-in for LocaleModify settings during call with LocaleMore settings than default condition:- select outbound, inbound call or...
**This is a condition Plug-in for LocaleModify settings during call with LocaleMore settings than default condition:- select outbound, inbound call or...
好玩、好吃、好宿,盡在精彩新竹縣!春季之雪,緩緩飄落竹縣,隨桐花漫步湖光山色中,耳畔客家山歌悠揚響起,原鄉溫泉氤氳繚繞,戲水踏浪、濱海美景、歡迎光臨『新竹縣』! 新竹縣是閩南、客家、原民三種族群匯流之地,境內13鄉鎮市各具特色,擁有豐富的人文故事、自然景觀,為讓國、內外遊客更了解新竹縣, 因此我們製...
***This is a plug-in for Locale Use gesture as condition in Locale in order to trigger settings.Enable/disable settings with a simple gestureYou can U...
我們是來自僑光科技大學應用英語系的六個小饕客。逢甲商圈與我們的求學生活密不可分。平時,我們喜歡到處尋覓好吃的美食。這次,我們將我們挖掘的隱藏版美食分享給大家。 We come from Applied English Department, Overseas Chinese University, ...
**This is a Plug-in for Locale**Generate a notification in status bar Features that you can customize: - title and notification text- play sound (from...
**This is a condition Plug-in for Locale Trigger situation based on phone state (in service, out of service, roaming, etc..).Example: - you need to be...
Find your lost or stolen phone!All in one protection highly configurable!This application offer all in one protection without monthly fees.Many comman...
萧条庭院 唯有枫叶独自飘零 细水慢慢长流 月下青苔 沿着记忆在蔓延 庭院深深深几许 曾经 在院中嬉闹欢笑的我们 现在身处何方 互动效果:庭院逐渐聚焦 滑动屏幕,可看到庭院3D效果 如果您有任何疑问或者建议,请联系我们: QQ群:191664951 微博:梦象动态壁纸 微信公共帐号:myshare88...