易通电话行业第一品牌,接通率高达100%,通话品质媲美移动电信;资费低廉,省钱第一,日常办公、商务、社交与生活的通信好助手! 软件特色: 1、0月租、0漫游费、0服务费,纯绿色软件; 2、30元包月打,并设有2分,3分低资费套餐; 3、注册即送1天无限打免费通话; 4、邀请好友、反馈可获得话费赠送;...
易通电话行业第一品牌,接通率高达100%,通话品质媲美移动电信;资费低廉,省钱第一,日常办公、商务、社交与生活的通信好助手! 软件特色: 1、0月租、0漫游费、0服务费,纯绿色软件; 2、30元包月打,并设有2分,3分低资费套餐; 3、注册即送1天无限打免费通话; 4、邀请好友、反馈可获得话费赠送;...
慈展通 —第三届中国公益慈善项目交流展示会移动终端 “慈展通”是什么? 慈展通是由“51Give我要给予”为第三届中国公益慈善项目交流展示会独家开发的一款展会服务移动终端。 “慈展通”有哪些功能? 其主要功能包括:参展报名、公益项目投票、新闻公告、观众参与、用户中心等。 用户通过本软件可随时随地查询...
The SAQ, always at your fingertips.Thanks to the SAQ app, you can access tons of practical information at all times:• Current promotions• Wine-and-foo...
It's a rebellion, your Smartphone thinks be smarter than you. He challenge you at a card game where the stake is your authority. SIPA is a strateg...
Sapido物聯網系列產品擁有「雲端保全」、「雲端控制」、「數位匯流」三大主題功能, 堅持易於建立的設計,透過穩定的網路傳輸及整合跨平台雲端管理軟體「Pdapp」(支援iOS/Android/Windows)服務,無線感測器,讓所有人都能輕鬆打造專屬於您的居家&辦公室物聯網,隨時與家人互動、保護居家...
Despido calcula los datos más relevantes de la nómina, la indemnización, la liquidación, el finiquito y el subsidio. Simula los datos de tu nomina, in...
Know My Brain was developed by Focus Education Australia to provide you with valuable research information about brain parts and systems, how neurons ...
Know My Brain was developed by Focus Education Australia to provide you with valuable research information about brain parts and systems, how neurons ...
Know Your Ethics is a fun quiz-styled application aimed at testing your knowledge about current issues in the field of Bioethics.This application was ...
Learn more about diabetes and how to take care of yourself. This interactive educational app teaches you the basics about diabetes and how to manage i...