庸是最知名的武侠小说作家。精选金庸经典武侠小说的金庸小说有声合集,鹿鼎记、神雕侠侣、笑傲江湖等武侠巨著免费尽情听,让你回味无穷。 +飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳; +最经典武侠小说全集,让你一次听个爽; +最好听的武侠小说,超高清音质,完全免费; +上下班路上听,开车听,叫你起床,伴你入眠! 金庸...
本書包括金庸所有小說作品,且帶有網絡書城,上萬部完結小說任你下載。 金庸(1924年3月10日—),男,當代知名武俠小說作家、新聞學家、企業家、政治評論家、社會活動家,中國作家協會名譽副主席,《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法》主要起草人之一、香港最高榮銜“大紫荊勛章” 獲得者、華人作家首富、原浙...
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Bazinga prank from Sheldon CooperSave as ringtone or notification!Have fun with Bazinga !!Keywords: bazinga, soundboard, ringtone, notification,sheldo...
Pets Photo Memory is a game designed for the whole family and suitable to train the memory of people of all ages.Please visit our website to see the p...
Memory, also known as Concentration, Pelmanism, Shinkei-suijaku, Pexeso or simply Pairs, is a card game in which all of the cards are laid face down o...
Simple and easy-to-use flashlight application without the extra permissions! Features,- Volume up to turn on the flashlight.- Volume down to turn of t...
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