

財務醫生 Dr. Wealth 是以香港為基地的獨立財務顧問公司,為超過6000名個人及法人投資戶提供金融服務諮詢,我們自成立以來,已經陸續與許多機構結盟,建立起強大的合作網。其中包括海外私人銀行、基金公司、避險基金、保險公司和金融機構,為一全方位金融資產管理顧問公司。我們提供多元化的理財金融商品,...


This application consists of Surah At-Talaq from the Holy Quran in Arabic, its translation and transliteration in English. This surah was revealed in ...

MBMed Chat

As a member of MBMed Medical Scheme you are able to download MBMed Chat and have the ability to chat online, in real time, with a Service Centre consu...

Mbook Thailand

"M Book Thailand” Bookshelf is Thailand’s first 100% Multimedia Bookshelf. The download service of, in exclusive of, the quality and functional “REAL"...


This application consists of Surah At-Takwir (Surah At-Takweer) from the Holy Quran in Arabic, its translation and transliteration in English. This 'm...