

陽光下,一根矗立的柱子形成的陰影,在五千多年前的古埃及,可以用來計算光陰。時空轉換,藉著日晷,吾輩仍可感動於一顆恆星的光熱,穿越宇宙,在地球上留下週而復始的軌跡。欣典團隊自詡如日晷,運行在牙醫專科與美學的正軌中,亙古不變,精益求精。欣典團隊,與您作伙,欣然成就 牙科經典服務項目:植牙、全口重建、牙齒...

可愛牙醫診所 - 聖誕版



A scratch-off game while going on a date with a cute scratch girl. Scratch the silver parts and get three matching marks. You can go on a date with th...

Camera Fun ™

➤ New Update ➤ Now you can shoot awesome videos with the photo effects! Yowza!! Camera Fun - Point & shoot photo effects camera, shoot pictures and vi...

Water Gallery

This is a amazing software which simulates Mac's famous ripple effect screensaver, but more artistic with immortal paintings and melodious music.The p...