掌上好医诊所是专为医生打造的移动医疗服务应用。 通过掌上好医独创的诊后医患连接模式,医生可以通过手机和网页的方式与自己的患者建立服务连接,通过解答问题、接听电话咨询获得收益。 产品特点: 1、“诊后”医患链接让信任成为医生和患者沟通的保障。 2、个性化设置问诊价格和时间让医生灵活支配自己的时间。 3...
掌上好医诊所是专为医生打造的移动医疗服务应用。 通过掌上好医独创的诊后医患连接模式,医生可以通过手机和网页的方式与自己的患者建立服务连接,通过解答问题、接听电话咨询获得收益。 产品特点: 1、“诊后”医患链接让信任成为医生和患者沟通的保障。 2、个性化设置问诊价格和时间让医生灵活支配自己的时间。 3...
本診所懷著濟世救人的精神,擁有醫術超群的醫 生駐診,提供良好衛生的醫療環境,給予您最好 的醫療品質。我們的服務包括中藥治療調理、針灸、推拿、衛 教諮詢等,並同時擁有傳統中藥材及現代科學中 藥濃縮藥粉,方便不同適應症的患者服用。我們 特別設有減肥門診,過敏三伏貼。我們所使用的 中藥材,皆經過嚴格把關,...
Masnoon Duas is offered with the intention of providing a comprehensive, single access volume that highlights prayers and holy verses for a wide array...
For Masquerade, here comes the masks!Take a look at it, before you go to a masquerade.There are hundreds of masks in this app.You can take this app be...
You are late for a meeting, lost, stuck in stationary traffic or simply want to let loved ones know your on your way home.Where U @ allows you to quic...
Where U At - FREE allows you to show people where you are either through text message, email, or it will copy a link to your location to the iphone cl...
Where To Next allows you to quickly find where you need to go.Looking for the next open bar, cafe, restaurant, taxi or train? Where To Next helps you ...
Our fascination with masking our own identity, or donning another's, for just a night, has led to a longstanding love affair with masquerade balls. Ma...
MASK OFFERS UNIQUE FUNCTIONALITY:Mask is the first photo app to incorporate TEXT and SHAPES into picture components that can be individualized:~Adjust...