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产品介绍: 喜付是一款基于校园的移动应用,主要为校园师生提供校园内小额支付服务,校园师生可以通过该应用绑定具有银联标识的储蓄卡,对校园内的一卡通进行充值。除此之外,还可以通过该应用对一卡通进行挂失,查询一卡通的消费明细记录。充分满足了校园师生随时随地进行充值的需求,极大的提升了校园一卡通使用的便捷性...

Heart Soul

Heart & Soul is a fitness, health, and wellness publication for women of color. As A trusted source, Heart & Soul directly impacts its target audience...

Heart Age

Heart Age uses your input to calculate your cardiovascular age, your risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), and provides suggestions to reduce your ris...

Hearing test 1

Test your hearing.When you are young, you can hear sounds with frequencies up to 20 KHz. As you get older, the sensitivity of your ears becomes less f...

Hear U Body

Hear U Body APP: insights into psycho-somatic root-causes of discomfort or pain Just imagine – only as an experiment – that any bodily discomfort, pai...