

1>“大发快递”支持约60余家快递的查询,例如常用快递:顺丰、中通、申通、EMS、圆通、如风达、韵达、天天、汇通、速尔、德邦以及宅急送等国内外知名快递订单跟踪查询。 2>“大发快递”收藏50余家快递的查询方式,包括电话,网站地址,方便您及时下订单 3>“大发快递”支持二维码扫描,使订单编码输入更简单...

FedEx Mobile

FedEx® Mobile provides a quick and easy way to manage your shipments. Track the status of your packages, find FedEx locations and customize your shipm...

The Tough Quiz

The Tough Quiz does what it says on the tin. No-one knows how many questions it has, no-one knows if it’s ever completed. No easy shortcuts here. Ther...

Dream JackPot

Pack your bags and go to Las Vegas!Try to win the JackPot and become a millionaire!You start the game with $500 in your pocket.With that, try to explo...