本主题已经内置YOO桌面插件,下载安装即可使用。 使用方法: 1、安装的过程可以直接点击打开。 2、菜单--桌面设置--设置主题。 3、桌面最下面的滑动条有个更换主题,然后点击就可以使用任何安装过的YOO主题啦。 YOO桌面是一款全新概念的桌面插件,占用内存少,方便快捷,可以实现多屏壁纸,并有常用匣...
يهدف هذا التطبيق الى تقريب معانى القرآن الكريم للأطفال. الكتاب عباره عن 3 سور هى ( العصر و النصر و الكوثر) بالإضافه الى 3 ألعاب يلى كل آيه صوره تشرح م...
Application with step by step drawing lessons from the cartoon ponies as school girls from alternative world. The app contains more than 20 lessons. L...
Application with step by step drawing lessons canon pony cartoon. The app contains more than 50 lessons. Lessons are split by the complexity, thats wh...
Application with step by step drawing lessons from the cartoon ponies as people. (humanization/humanized) The app contains more than 15 lessons. Lesso...
Midnight is a flat dark theme for EvolveSMS featuring Minimal Design and unique chat bubbles.Shadows and transparency have been removed in favor of a ...
Pull the trigger, take out your targets and kill enemies in COUNTER SHOOTER , an action-packed, fast and bloody fps game. The effectivestly way to sho...
Escucha con nosotros tu deporte en la nueva APP de laPelota.fm. Disfruta sin interrupciones de los mejores eventos deportivos (partidos del Real Madri...