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親愛的用戶您好若您在更新到最新版本後發現無法連線的問題,請您先移除軟體後,再重新裝即可解決。若有任何問題,請來信ebook@fareastone.com.tw 與我們聯繫。遠傳e書城(eBookTown)提供您無所不在的閱讀服務。下載e書城軟體到您的手機,您可以隨時閱讀您之前在e書城所購買的電子書籍...
打造移动支付新体验,支持基于二维码的“扫一扫”支付、基于NFC手机的“碰一碰”支付和基于地理位置服务的“摇一摇”支付,用户可以使用上述功能轻松实现无卡的转账及AA收款,目前支持中行所有卡种之间的人民币转账,后续将实现对他行卡的支持。测试账号:用户名cuixingwei007免費玩中银易付 APP玩免...
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This app will help navigate the numerous, and confusing, websites for federally funded WMD/CBRNE and NFA/EMI training for our nation's first respo...
ResponseVision® 4.0 Mobile gives you real-time access to the project, mission, supply chain, and resource information you need to manage your emergenc...
InventoryVisibility gives you real-time access to resource information you need to manage your emergency response efforts. The mobile application prov...
Esta aplicación permite visualizar los eventos Cloud Day Ecuador y en ella se pueden ver las charlas que se llevaran a cabo, la biografía de los charl...
Locker themes - for ZERO launcher1. New function has been added to ZERO launcher — Screen locker. What are you waiting for,be quick to download these ...
Love You Stickers for Facebook♥♥♥ Presenting the most mesmerizing and fabulous Love Stickers and love emoji app to you. Install this and do romance wi...
♥♥♥ Presenting the cutest collection of Love Stickers and Emoticons. ♥♥♥This app provide you such a beautiful collection by which you can make your ch...