香港大專升學指南 1.4喺努力讀書之餘相信各位DSE同學都喺度物色緊心水嘅大學學位。過去嘅經驗話俾我哋知大部份嘅同學唔係成績唔夠好,而係因為揀錯科搞到冇U讀。我哋希望每個同學都可以搵到合適嘅學科,減低資源錯配,而資訊就係勝負嘅關鍵。有見及此,我哋會喺度提供大學課程嘅資料,包括課程簡介、收生人數、面試...
香港大專升學指南 1.4喺努力讀書之餘相信各位DSE同學都喺度物色緊心水嘅大學學位。過去嘅經驗話俾我哋知大部份嘅同學唔係成績唔夠好,而係因為揀錯科搞到冇U讀。我哋希望每個同學都可以搵到合適嘅學科,減低資源錯配,而資訊就係勝負嘅關鍵。有見及此,我哋會喺度提供大學課程嘅資料,包括課程簡介、收生人數、面試...
功能:.重要日期提示(如:升學活動日期/課程截止報名日期等) .可錄音或輸入文字詢問VTC課程資料,專人特快回覆.日程表(如:公開考試、放榜日期、JUPAS重要日期、報讀THEi/IVE/HKDI/青年學院課程重要日期等).讓中六同學自行設定中學文憑試(HKDSE)考試時間表.可選擇自動記錄重要日期...
The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a computer-based standardized examination for prospective medical students in the United States and Canad...
The Street Smart Kids TM App holds the answer to this now critical child raising issue: HOW TO EMPOWER OUR YOUNG KIDS TO INSTINCTIVELY RECOGNIZE THE S...
The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a computer-based standardized examination for prospective medical students in the United States and Canad...
From the makers of the vocabulary builder “ABA Find it!” comes Street Smarts!Becoming separated from your child or student is probably a parent and te...
The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a computer-based standardized examination for prospective medical students in the United States and Canad...
Interested in a career with the United States Postal Service? Part of getting hired is a mandatory test used to fill over 90% of all Postal jobs: The ...
The SAT is a standardized test for most college admissions in the United States. The SAT measures mathematics, literacy and writing skills that are ne...
PAX TV Móvil es la aplicación oficial de PAX Televisión, el canal católico de Perú. En PAX TV Móvil encontraras la más completa biblioteca de contenid...