
SofficeMoa 移动办公OA

SofficeMoa移动办公系统是赛飞软件(www.isoffice.cn)推出的移动办公全面解决方案。系统主要由12大功能模块组成,包括:新闻公告、工作计划、行政公文、工作流程、档案管理、通讯平台、内部邮件、个人博客、文件资料、意见调查、规章制度、GPS轨迹跟踪,未来Soffice 移动办公系统还...

Siluetas OA

En Orientación Andújar llevamos años compartiendo material educativo en nuestro blog y estamos orgullosos de presentar nuestra primera aplicación móvi...


Follow the intricate paths of the celtic stones in an exciting race for the highest score.Play numbered cards to move your figures as far as possible ...


This game is extremely simple and intuitive which makes it addictive. All you have to do is "splat" the randomly moving button as many times as you ca...