功能:.重要日期提示(如:升學活動日期/課程截止報名日期等) .可錄音或輸入文字詢問VTC課程資料,專人特快回覆.日程表(如:公開考試、放榜日期、JUPAS重要日期、報讀THEi/IVE/HKDI/青年學院課程重要日期等).讓中六同學自行設定中學文憑試(HKDSE)考試時間表.可選擇自動記錄重要日期...
功能:.重要日期提示(如:升學活動日期/課程截止報名日期等) .可錄音或輸入文字詢問VTC課程資料,專人特快回覆.日程表(如:公開考試、放榜日期、JUPAS重要日期、報讀THEi/IVE/HKDI/青年學院課程重要日期等).讓中六同學自行設定中學文憑試(HKDSE)考試時間表.可選擇自動記錄重要日期...
香港大專升學指南 1.4喺努力讀書之餘相信各位DSE同學都喺度物色緊心水嘅大學學位。過去嘅經驗話俾我哋知大部份嘅同學唔係成績唔夠好,而係因為揀錯科搞到冇U讀。我哋希望每個同學都可以搵到合適嘅學科,減低資源錯配,而資訊就係勝負嘅關鍵。有見及此,我哋會喺度提供大學課程嘅資料,包括課程簡介、收生人數、面試...
移動大學搜索Pro是一個綜合性的大學和學術研究的移動應用程序。隨著移動大學搜索專業版,用戶可以利用他們的大學研究的控制權,以及根據自己的條件的學校溝通。 移動大學搜索Pro包含所有的功能和移動大學搜索標準版的功能。此外手機大學搜索Pro包含一些額外的數據視圖,學校和獎學金搜索,應用程序的功能。標準功...
The WiFi Free Austria application was created in order to help you find the location of free WiFi Hotspot in Austria and Germany in an easier way.FEAT...
The WiFi Free California application was created in order to help you find the location of free WiFi Hotspot in California in an easier way.FEATURES:-...
The WiFi Free Canada application was created in order to help you find the location of free WiFi Hotspot in Canada in an easier way.FEATURES:- showing...
The WiFi Free Czech application was created in order to help you find the location of free WiFi Hotspot in Czech Republic in an easier way.FEATURES:- ...
The WiFi Free Deutschland application was developed in order to help you find the location of free WiFi Hotspot in Deutschland in an easier way. It al...
The WiFi Free Florida application was created in order to help you find the location of free WiFi Hotspot in Florida, South Carolina, Georgia and Alab...
The WiFi Free France application was developed in order to help you find the location of free WiFi Hotspot in France in an easier way. It also display...