Siddur Ari
Full featured Nusach Ari Siddur with real flowing text (not scanned pages). Features multiple font options and sizes to provide the ideal davening exp...
Full featured Nusach Ari Siddur with real flowing text (not scanned pages). Features multiple font options and sizes to provide the ideal davening exp...
WiseChild Talmud includes the complete Babylonian Talmud laid out with Android sensibilities. A tabbed interface provides quick access to the Gemara, ...
Complete machzor for Tisha B'Av, including Kinos. Has all of the prayers for Tisha B'av and all the halachos from the Aruch HaShulchan. Includ...
A suite of solar time widgets. Set a one time or repeating alarm to go off at a particular solar hour (ex. ten minutes before sunrise). Two clock widg...
ToddlerN is a toddler friendly learning activity. Your toddler will play games that will teach him/her how to say all the letters of the alphabet, num...
Racing 구구단입니다.[광고없는 버전]구구단을 싫어하는 아이들도 재미있게 익힐 수 있습니다.레이싱게임을 통해 재미있게 구구단을 배울 수 ...
SOME LIMITATIONS WITH ANDROID KITKAT - 4.4 OR HIGHER: Encrytion only on internal storage!DroidCrypt - an intelligent and application-oriented file enc...
Send your contacts information in a simple and safe way.No more stress by you or your friends not being able to open the vCard or .vcf file.With this ...
CryptoPad is a single file notepad app protected with a password. Keep your personal information secure and always available in your Android smartphon...
保加利亚瓦尔纳 (保加利亚) 离线地图是一款可以在您的手机上浏览 保加利亚瓦尔纳 在线和离线地图的应用程序。在应用程序中有两种地图可供使用:第1地图:离线地图。您可以在Wi-Fi覆盖区进行下载,然后无需网络便可进行使用。第2地图:在线地图。可以搜索地址、在地图上保存位置点。访问该地图是免费的。应用程...