
餐牌翻譯 中(簡)越南

此應用程式為「餐牌翻譯」的中(簡)越南翻譯工具。親愛的 3客戶! 去外國旅行時, 是否經常難以了解餐牌內容?這個app可幫你解決疑難!現在只要使用智能手機的相機讀取餐牌上的外國文字, 「餐牌翻譯」便幫你作即時翻譯!方法:1. 下載 「餐牌翻譯」app2. 下載需要翻譯的語言之辭典3. 啟動程式後, ...

Let It Pass

Control the red circle. Very simple, isn't it? Nope...... You have to let the blue dots get through it while blocking the red dots.How many score can ...


NoteBPM is a utility that displays various note values of a musical note in terms of time, frequency, and number of samples.When creating or editing m...