
文字の手帖 for Android

デジタルフォントの開発・販売をしているモリサワが書体見本アプリをリリースしました!「文字の手帖 for Android」は、デザインをお仕事とされている方はもちろん、文字に興味がある人、グラフィックやデザインを勉強する方々、書体にこだわりたい人など、色々な人に使って欲しいアプリケーションです。豊富な...

PediApp Finder

PediApp Finder is a resource that connects professionals to therapeutically beneficial mobile apps. It organizes the apps alphabetically and by interv...

K-FARM Sun Medical Center

K-FARM으로 함께 떠나요!지역간 융ㆍ복합의 고유자원을 통한 벽이 없는 소통과 삶의 질 향상을 위한!K-FARM은 농촌체험형의료관광은 외국인 관광객과 국내의 가족단위 및 단체 여행객을 대상으로 대한민국의 전통문화, 한식, 농촌체험과 MICE, 의료서비스를 융합한 체험...


Cancer Horoscopes gives you the daily, monthly, weekly, and yearly horoscope forecast with accurate astrology predictions in Career, Health, Love, Fas...

Nisen Sushi

Co-owners Tom Lam and Robert Beer have revolutionized the way sushi is prepared on Long Island as each diner is taken on an epicurean adventure. The m...