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內容介紹 : 用手機控制體重!! 2014-06-06 V1.3.0604 新增食物熱量資料庫及可愛食物icon 主畫面新增粉絲專頁連結 申請線上指導員必須填寫行動電話 新增食物畫面精簡化 [下載突破530,000+,開發團隊非常非常非常非常感謝大家的支持與鼓勵] [申請線上指導員以及詢問/建議的...
PomPomPurin Theme offers Android users to easily beautify your screen with PomPomPurin lovely wallpapers, icons, drawer, and other customize parts.Una...
Live wallpaper for Rilakkuma.>http://ksp.rilakkuma.jp/appli_store/index.phpUnauthorized reproduction of the illustrations and images used in this appl...
Live wallpaper for Rilakkuma.>http://ksp.rilakkuma.jp/appli_store/index.phpUnauthorized reproduction of the illustrations and images used in this appl...
The classic sliding tile game, sometimes called the 15 puzzle. This puzzle consists of several puzzles of adorable pictures of toys. The puzzle has se...
An ebook written by "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle". Here are some sample content from the eBook,Finding that Holmes was too absorbed for conversation I had ...
Om Santhi Santhi - Written by Cho.Virudhachalam in the pseudonym of "PuthamaiPitthan".He wrote so many short stories. He is considered a pioneer of mo...
Roger Melvinin Eema sdangu - Written by Cho.Virudhachalam in the pseudonym of "PuthamaiPitthan".He wrote so many short stories. He is considered a pio...