Google Finance为Android手机优化过的移动版本,其界面风格和现有的Gmail,Google Reader等移动应用保持统一。 在搜索框输入股票代码或者公司名称即可在窗口下方看到相应股票当前实时报价以及走势图,搜索框下方有三个按钮可以切换市场行情,投资组合以及相关资讯。另外使用移动 ...
Google Finance为Android手机优化过的移动版本,其界面风格和现有的Gmail,Google Reader等移动应用保持统一。 在搜索框输入股票代码或者公司名称即可在窗口下方看到相应股票当前实时报价以及走势图,搜索框下方有三个按钮可以切换市场行情,投资组合以及相关资讯。另外使用移动 ...
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HiGoogle is an XPosed module that opens Google Now instead of S-Voice when the "Hi galaxy" command is heard on the newer Samsung phones with always li...
**Google has changed its algorithms so that specialized news feeds (such as world economy) now all post the same thing. For the best experience, disab...
Financial prediction or Financial Astrology can greatly assist you in making your trading decisions. While making investments, you need to take in to ...