本应用需要配合电脑端使用,电脑端下载地址及使用说明: http://blog.csdn.net/s670100084/article/details/8846700 本应用可以让手机当成一个无线的游戏手柄,有手柄模式跟赛车模式两种.手柄模式可以当游戏手柄,赛车模式可以用重力感应玩赛车游戏.免費玩无线...
本应用需要配合电脑端使用,电脑端下载地址及使用说明: http://blog.csdn.net/s670100084/article/details/8846700 本应用可以让手机当成一个无线的游戏手柄,有手柄模式跟赛车模式两种.手柄模式可以当游戏手柄,赛车模式可以用重力感应玩赛车游戏.免費玩无线...
支持用手机遥控电脑,支持以wifi或者蓝牙方式连接电脑。连接成功后,可以充当游戏机手柄,可以充当千千静听或者PPT的遥控器。 支持添加任意自定义快捷键,让你想遥控啥就遥控啥。让你躺在床上即可享受娱乐体验。 注意,当前版本需要更新PC客户端:http://whyun.com/sub/0/downloa...
你會經常在最危及的情況下避免能源? 現在我們由Wi-Fi兼容的系統包圍 的Wi-Fi兼容性系統通過放出電磁波。 每個Wi-Fi兼容性錄入方式可覆蓋約200米之遙。 忘記所有的從電池的問題,無線移動充電器繼續露面。 無線手機充電器採用了Wi-Fi兼容的系統多餘的能量,並用它在您的智能手機充電。 w...
Hammie has broken out of the his cage and is on the run! Use your super flying powers to chomp up as much food and water as you can. Avoid the deadly ...
The Delicious TV team brings you VegEZ for iPad! With 75 of Toni Fiore’s tastiest recipes optimized for the busy swirl of modern life. If you’re looki...
VegFast is an application that allows vegetarians and vegans to see the various fast food options at numerous fast food restaurants. If you are a vege...
Veggie Chops is an app that allows consumers to search for the best vegan and vegetarian restaurants in their city based on proximity and quality, the...
Whether you’re a vegetarian or not, the occasional day without meat is always tasty and nutritious. But what to prepare? In the Veggie Cookbook+ you w...
Don’t miss out this mystery adventure game!You cannot trust anyone and you shouldn’t!Magnificent art design that mixes perfectly backgrounds with char...
Veggie Grower is a comprehensive planting guide to a vegetable & herbs catalog which includes tips for growing your own organic cultivation of vegetab...