欧洲长篇小说里程碑式作品,不同译本遍及全球,影响《十日谈》、《木偶奇遇记》、《变形记》等众多文学名著。最搞笑的古典名著之一,奇幻、幽默,言情、警世,寓教于乐于一身。 本书讲述了罗马帝国时期,青年鲁巧赴希腊旅行途中借宿在友人家里,因错用魔药变成了一头毛驴。从此以后,他辗转服役于数个不同的主人,在命运摆...
欧洲长篇小说里程碑式作品,不同译本遍及全球,影响《十日谈》、《木偶奇遇记》、《变形记》等众多文学名著。最搞笑的古典名著之一,奇幻、幽默,言情、警世,寓教于乐于一身。 本书讲述了罗马帝国时期,青年鲁巧赴希腊旅行途中借宿在友人家里,因错用魔药变成了一头毛驴。从此以后,他辗转服役于数个不同的主人,在命运摆...
微学记:中小学在线学习微课堂 * 教学短视频 – 知识体系结构化 详细划分知识点,针对具体知识点录制短视频,一般每段视频不超过5分钟;涵盖不同题型的讲解;移动端或web播放,随时随地学习 * 互动工具 – 知识动起来 * 同步练习 – 循序渐进,巩固核心知识点 * 学习报告 – 学习效果可视化 目前...
18 beautifully illustrated pages that transport the reader into Astrid & Siri's magical Arctic world. Astrid and Siri is the story of an Arctic girl w...
Astro-CowAstro-Cow experiences a series of transformational events as he bangs around from place to place on a number of high-impact adventures, some ...
Tek tıkla, binlerce metine, kitaba, makaleye ve araştırma raporuna ulaşmanızı sağlayan bu uygulama T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı tarafında...
PC GURU Dimag ReaderA „PC GURU Dimag Reader” Magyarország első digitális magazinolvasójának, a „Dimag Reader 2 for IPAD” szoftvernek PC GURU magazinra...
Redécouvrez grâce à cette application le son mythique de démarrage de XP et plus ! PC Sounds contient les sons les plus cultes de XP et de 7, et plus ...
The application is for children who likes to read or listen Assamese folk stories. Stories are illustrated using hand drawn images and Assamese audio ...
We all know computers, cold data processing machines.We all know the girls, beautiful and unpredictable.But who can emerge victorious from a contest b...
* Soldiers!!!! They are here!* Kill your enemies and win the game!* Collect hidden treasures!-Beware of this crazy game!Run through the wild landscape...