本公司創立於2000年11月由莊茂賓先生號招發起,尋找一群理念相同﹑業務相關核心人員,組織一個高效能的合作團隊。並推舉由莊茂賓先生擔任董事長。領導﹑執行公司各項業務及發展。本公司自創立以來, 即秉持著「專精﹑創新﹑實踐」的基本信念, 不斷的努力經營。在領導階層帶領下, 不斷的革新求變, 以符合市場需...
Build a custom timeline of ancient history or of just last year. Events can span one day or any number of years. Add a description to each event and c...
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++20% OFF LIMITED TIME OFFER+++++++++++++++++++++++++++*** Designed to use in OFFLINE ***Going to travel around Seville? Wait...
Score Predictor will generate a random set of Numbers(Scores) to do a prediction of a Game e.g. Football and you can share your predictions via Facebo...
Get tons of unique recipes for cooking with Hatch chile peppers, including winners from Central Market’s famous annual Hatch chile recipe contest. Sor...
You are playing by the cool offroad truck on road full of opponents! destroy them all, clear your way. Use weapons and nitro to reach maximum distance...
This is an application for learning how to play billiard game. Base on many best player experience to make up its content. you will get lot of knowled...
10+ is similar as 2048, but it has better algorithm and user experience You can invite your friends to have match online in this game. Meanwhile this ...
This program can be used for marking any place on earth on the map with simple notes and associated photos. This application program was developed for...