HT-CLUB app.是全港最多的士司機普遍使用的智能柯打收發平台.本系统集所有柯打的貨主,聯络人及司機共同運作,處理龐大乘客團召的士,結合先進的網絡系統,專業管理團隊,得到業界廣大的認同。請各位街主注意: 現今藍機世界已經落後了,網絡接收不好,通訊話音不清,網絡經常斷線,系統DOWN機常見 駁機...
HT-CLUB app.是全港最多的士司機普遍使用的智能柯打收發平台.本系统集所有柯打的貨主,聯络人及司機共同運作,處理龐大乘客團召的士,結合先進的網絡系統,專業管理團隊,得到業界廣大的認同。請各位街主注意: 現今藍機世界已經落後了,網絡接收不好,通訊話音不清,網絡經常斷線,系統DOWN機常見 駁機...
達鴻機械股份有限公司 (原達鐵機械) 創立於1972年,迄今已歷時30餘載。一直以來秉持著不斷研發,客戶至上的原則,相繼開發出許多相關產業的鋼筋加工設備,產品遍佈全台灣、大陸、東南亞等地,為了擴大我們服務範圍,於2010年正式在上海成立分公司-達瑞建築機械股份有限公司,繼續將我們的產品不斷研發與開發...
╔╦╦╦═╦╗╔═╦═╦══╦═╗║║║║╩╣╚╣═╣║║║║║╩╣╚══╩═╩═╩═╩═╩╩╩╩═╝Zenbox - Play with each otherZenbox is a board game simulator with a relaxing and minimalistic styl...
HOW DO YOU LACE YOUR SHOES?Do you just use an "ordinary" lacing method? You may be surprised at what's possible!You have found, without a doubt, the m...
Do you have what it takes to prove yourself in the ring? Train your fully customizable boxer to defeat over 100 different opponents and dominate the u...
******************************************************************************** Happy Easter! This is the easter (lite) version of Jewelry Bubble, an...
The space/time ipod for you iPhone. 3 modes to live your life at the rythm of music. TIMER MODE Set minutes/hours, select music from your music librar...
Pocket parrot talks to you with hilarious and cute voice. He is good looking pet and one of the smartest parrots that can learn his master's words. He...
Game preview on Youtube: of Van Helsing: The Undead SlayerVan Helsing travel anywhere in the world to ...
ESSENTIAL phrases for your trips to Germany. HEAR&LEARN; how to speak perfectly pronounced German. QUICK and USEFUL! Instead of learning 1000 unnecess...