

運用兩條飄逸的髮絲,組成了各種不同『角度』的長方型訴說著 : 延續不斷朝著變化『角度』,為的是呈現出最好的視覺饗宴我們源源不絕的靈感,是來自於勇於創新我們敞開心胸接受新想法,勇敢嘗試多元風格..永遠思索著『適合美』並認真看待我們所愛的工作…期待每一刻從鏡子中的你..因改變而露出自信的微笑盡情享受AN...


伯恩特色:始於民國80年創立以來,秉持「FSP.-Fashion(流行)、Service(服務)、Profesional(專業)」3大原則,同時融合4C哲學(剪髮—Cut、燙髮—Curl、染髮—Color、顧客滿意—Client Satise Action),與全世界零時差同步流行。伯恩使命:公司不...

ARTS Mobile

ARTS Mobile is a facility developed by PT Andalan Artha Advisindo Sekuritas (AAA) for conducting online transactions in shares through a quick and sec...

Emoji Art

Emoji Art 允許你使用許多小 Emoji 表情圖標拼湊在一起,打造自己的照片!你可以選擇一張照片從您的畫廊,或使用相機拍攝照片,然後將你的照片變成一個很酷和有趣的 Emoji Art 圖像。Emoji Art 的圖像可以用於共享,個人資料和頭像照片,論壇和電子郵件簽名!♥♥ 如何使用:1. ...

Art Opps

ART OPPS?There are numerous online websites, networks, mailing lists, newsletters, homepages and other resources dedicated to opportunities for artist...

Frolik Art

Frolik Art contains the most popular ways of drawing and painting in one apps in HD: amusing drawing and painting, filling ,lines, spots and magical!T...

Nikon Art

Nikon Art è l'APP dedicata alle migliori fotografie pubblicate sul gallery del NIKONCLUB.it, la community ufficiale dedicata a Nikon.Le fotografie...