

With this application, you're taken some steps, speed, distance, and how many calories you burn come will be able to learn. In addition, you can m...

Pedometer Pro

-counts steps/minute, miles/hour, calories/burned-can calibrate sensitivity-miles or metric-adjust your step length-input body weight for calories cal...

Pedometer Widget

To use press Menu->Add->Widgets->Pedometer Widget Lite11/22: Update for Android 2.0 and Droid.Pedometer Widget will let you keep track of the number o...


簡單電話錄音機可以:打開/關閉通話錄音對所有電話通話錄音點擊通話記錄就可重播錄音刪除錄音鎖定通話錄音已防止自動刪除分享通話錄音(僅限高級版)通話結束後顯示對話方塊詢問是否需要保存此次通話錄音(僅限高級版)如果這些特性無法在你的手機上正常工作,或者無法清晰的錄下對方的聲音:1. 嘗試修改錄音設定,具體...