自考通 行政管理
(1)会员注册。所有用户均可方便的提交申请注册,在审核通过后方可进入平台内。保证了会员资料的真实性。 (2)需求发布。轻松创建法律业务需求信息,自动选择合作对象。 (3)非常速配。业务信息非常速配,用户发布需求信息后,平台可根据需求类型,地区,行业,专业领域自动速配,并即刻反馈至速配信息发布人。 (...
1.适用于Android系统2.1以上; 2.可以直接点击查询站点的用车情况,获取可借车位及可停车位; 3.提供地图搜索功能,并标记出来; 4.使用GPS定位功能,可以获取各站点与自己的距离,并按近远排列显示; 5.可以选择按各站点号先后顺序,来查看各站点的情况,并显示距离; 6.通过设置起点和终点...
MusicMage The Land of Nisamere, is the first eBook in the series. It introduces young readers to music and helps them identify the different sounds an...
The Cardiac Electrophysiology Institute of Australasia is an independent Registered Training Organisation (RTO) providing education and training of me...
MusicMan is a fun game of musical memory!Play along as one of four different characters. Each character has their own instrument and theme music. If y...
The Graduate Jobs Ireland App is the first smartphone app specifically developed to help under-graduates and graduates of Irish third-level education ...
Retrouvez Père Dodu, le roi de la cuisine, dans une multitude de mini-jeux simples et amusants.A chaque partie, il va falloir réussir une succession d...
MusicModes provides a fun way to learn to recognize commonly used music modes. It features audible and visual examples of over 30 modes as well as hin...
Père mystère et ses énigmes est un jeu qui va mettre vos neurones en ébullition.Plus de 150 énigmes Originales regroupées dans cette application.Que c...