WiFi Status
YOU DO NOT NEED TO RUN THIS APP FOR IT TO WORK. Places a notification in your status bar if WiFi is turned on and you are NOT connected to a network. ...
YOU DO NOT NEED TO RUN THIS APP FOR IT TO WORK. Places a notification in your status bar if WiFi is turned on and you are NOT connected to a network. ...
WiFi Heat is a great way to visually show the signal strength of your wireless network with your Android phone or tablet.WiFi Heat is simple to use--y...
The App could find WECB (WiFi Extender, connected to Gateway via MoCA or Ethernet cable) in your network by zero-touch. After login, you can check wir...
Have you ever lost your internet connection despite the Wi-Fi being connected? Sometimes all you have to do is toggle Wi-Fi on/off to restore your con...
One touch WiFi access.One touch Wi-Fi turn ON/OFF. Create shortcut of Quick Wi-Fion your home screen.免費玩Quick WiFi APP玩免費免費玩Quick WiFi AppQuick WiFi A...
This app collects information about wireless networks and their location while you're walking on the streets or driving your car.For every wireles...
Wifi Switcher will switch to the Wi-Fi network with the strongest signal from your remembered networks.It runs constantly in the background. When the ...
此應用程序可以生成隨機密鑰wifi網絡。安全類型:- WEP64/128/256位- WPA264/160/504位先進的編碼算法創建一個密鑰對你來說,完全是隨機的,以防止黑客攻擊,黑客或攻擊您的設備上。您將獲得無限衝浪高水平的認證。只需一次點擊,您可以創建一個隨機密碼功能強大的高強度加密,這將大大...
【中華電信客服】提供中華電信行動電話、市內電話、寬頻、HiNet等全業務服務1. 資費與合約:查詢所屬行動電話、市內電話、寬頻、HiNet等設備門號資訊2. 我的帳單:查詢所屬行動電話、市內電話、寬頻、HiNet等設備已出帳或未出帳帳單資訊3. 我的客服:提供快速撥打客服專線及即時線上文字客服服務4...
"WiFi热点通"基于安卓智能手机终端。向中国移动和中国电信的用户提供从2G/3G 切换到WLAN的智能分流服务。 与众不同的特点在于,"WiFi热点通"支持向智能终端用户提供所在区域的WiFi信号的接入体验评级。智能地建议、引导用户何时、何地可以方便地接入WiFi网络。 "WiFi热点通"的广泛使...