行動嘉藥(CHNA APP)「行動嘉藥」是由嘉南藥理大學所規劃設計, 運用智慧型手機與校園雲端機房等技術, 讓學生、教職員與校友隨時隨地掌握校園訊息, 也提供大眾也可透行動載具,全方位與多元的方式來認識嘉南藥理大學及校園周邊環境。 功能項目: 1.最新消息:同步首頁公告、學生與教職員資訊網公告,並可...
行動嘉藥(CHNA APP)「行動嘉藥」是由嘉南藥理大學所規劃設計, 運用智慧型手機與校園雲端機房等技術, 讓學生、教職員與校友隨時隨地掌握校園訊息, 也提供大眾也可透行動載具,全方位與多元的方式來認識嘉南藥理大學及校園周邊環境。 功能項目: 1.最新消息:同步首頁公告、學生與教職員資訊網公告,並可...
Enterprise class online storage that allows your teams to easily and securely access, share and sync files from anywhere, any time, using any device.免...
ENCO Systems is the manufacturer of DAD, DADtv and enCaption. ENCO provides world class radio automation, audio for video, and automated captioning so...
■ ContentsKorean History Timeline is an application which shows the list of important events from Korean history.Each event includes a hot-link to the...
An Android App for wedding invitation of Sachin & Madhuri Marriage with wedding card, wedding venue, wedding wishes and gallery with the photos for th...
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If you like to play Lemonade Tycoon, you may have better experience with Multishop Tycoon. After its success on Flash version, now Multishop Tycoon is...