一个非常迷人的三消类型的游戏--宝石生涯。 更多的游戏特色和非常具有挑战性的关卡让这部作品意趣十足。做好欢乐的准备吧! 当然游戏中内置本地分数排行榜,挑战你自己吧! 怎么玩? 1.交换相邻的两个宝石,三个或三个以上同类型的聚在一起则消去。 2.尽快的获得能量炸弹,然后炸掉宝石获得分数。 3.搜集所有...
这是一款完全免费的,且没有任何广告的健康类应用。 该应用详细介绍了感冒、高血压、痛经等130余种常见病症的食疗菜谱。 300余道菜谱,是美味,更是良药。在享受美味佳肴的过程中,将病治好,是何等的美事? 他若是偶感风寒,给他煮一碗神仙粥; 她若是那几天痛经,给她熬一份乌鸡汤; 二老若是有了高血压,时常...
A surprisingly complex game, "TwentyFour" pits your mental math abilities against the clock.This version requires you enter your expression in "RPN", ...
A selected gallery of Torsten Lauschmann’s work since 2004. Also an augmented reality enhancement for his book STARTLE, published by Dundee Contempora...
Try your luck against the house in this easy to use 21 card game. Buy the Gold Version to unlock a Gold background, get rid of ads and support the dev...
• BASIC PRINCIPLE •Let's go on Twenty One ! This game will train your thinking and your speed. Make 21 by selecting the available numbers !Two game mo...
Retrouvez le salon LAUSANNETEC votre nouveau rendez-vous professionnel des microtechnologies et de la haute précision pour l'horlogerie-joaillerie, le...
A math Game, use four cards to calculate for 24. slide one card over the other, will pop up operators, click the operator, these two cards will calcul...
Join us in experiencing the game that has swept the world. With a new and exciting engine and awesome new modes to twist your brain, there's no excuse...