《澳門日報》於1958年8月15日創刊, 發行量和廣告量長期居澳門中文報紙首位, 是澳門地區規模最大、最具代表性的日報。服務對象以澳門讀者爲主, 兼顧香港、台灣、北美、歐洲、東南亞以及珠江三角洲和中國各大城市的讀者。每天出本埠版12至20大張、外埠版9至16大張, 以內容豐富、訊息量大、言論權威、弘...
✧ 傳播中國:關註中國政治、財經、科技、教育等全方面壹手信息,隨時掌握最新動態,是妳了解中國重大新聞事件的第壹新聞媒體客戶端。✧ 每天十條,掌握中國大事件:我們的編輯會仔細甄選中國每天的十大頭條新聞,並以摘要的形式讓您快速獲取信息。✧ 獨家報道,深度分析熱點事件:緊跟熱點,提供APEC、亞歐峰會、東...
This app is specially designed for children aging 0-4 years old. 0-4 years old is the link of infant education and primary education, and 9 growing go...
This is a knowledge-based app designed specifically for children aging from 0 to 6. With abundant contents, it introduces the following popular scienc...
Are you worried for your children’s enlightening education?Are you troubled that your children are being taught with boring knowledge?Do you feel guil...
Scratch and draw your own gardens and flower fairies! In your world of flower fairies, morning glories shine and tulips sing.Do you remember scratch d...
OFF-road.Bg is the unique Bulgarian magazine about 4x4, SUV, enduro, ATV, racing, travel and adventure. The magazine is on the market since 2004, and ...
As parents, you may think that you know your children very much. You may think your children are the most happiness ones in the world because you give...