

Is it another rage game? You can try it out. You just have to stop the ball from going away while The Eye is watching you fail or surviving.You earn 1...


With Storytel you can listen to audiobooks on your smartphone wherever and whenever you want. Unlimited listening from our large and ever expanding li...

Chinese Crossword Pro-小强填字专业版

小强填字是国内第一款中文填字游戏,以英文报刊的纵横字谜(Crossword)为蓝本。自1999年在《南方周末》专栏版正式推出以来,风靡一时,很快成为《南方周末》最受欢迎的固定栏目之一,并引发至今不衰的填字风潮。 由于版面设置变动,小强填字于2003年从报纸上消失。2009年10月,南方周末网正式发布...