藝文GO!是一個免費、完全無廣告的藝文資訊app。這裡包含了全台各縣市的所有藝術文化資訊,舉凡藝術展覽、音樂會、舞蹈表演、電影欣賞、親子活動、各項競賽及演唱會資訊等,你想知道的藝文資訊通通可以在這裡找到! 讓我們一起藝文GO吧! 功能特色: *資料由文化部開放資料平台提供,包含兩廳院及年代售票資訊...
藝文GO!是一個免費、完全無廣告的藝文資訊app。這裡包含了全台各縣市的所有藝術文化資訊,舉凡藝術展覽、音樂會、舞蹈表演、電影欣賞、親子活動、各項競賽及演唱會資訊等,你想知道的藝文資訊通通可以在這裡找到! 讓我們一起藝文GO吧! 功能特色: *資料由文化部開放資料平台提供,包含兩廳院及年代售票資訊...
Nian är ett ordspel som går ut på att bilda så många ord som möjligt av ett rutnät om nio bokstäver.Varje bokstavsbricka får bara användas en gång och...
The idea is simple, hop from wall-to-wall to avoid the gaps. Survive for as long as you can.Tap once to hurl yourself to the opposite side. Tap again ...
Endless box escape between two walls... how long will you be able to withstand it?Hard and fast paced arcade action game with awesome music by Kevin M...
Gillar du Megakillen? Då kommer du gilla iPad-appen! I den kan du läsa hela "Megakillen - den stora hemligheten", du kan spela och du kan pyssla. iPad...
You have seen this game style before. wall breaker! continues where Pong, Arkanoid and other games before it left off. A ball is bouncing around and b...
Megalodon Shark Night Scooba is yet another amazing shark game .After last years submarine war , and 2010's Jaw Clash , we are proud the present the b...
"Endless fun, the most addictive game I have ever played!"Can you survive the MegaDrop?_____________________________-Jump in jump out fun!-Endless gam...
Mega Rockstar Slot Machine : Slot Machine Casino lets you spin the reels on your very own set of virtual casino slot machines to win coins and hit hot...