L’OCCITANE將與你隨時隨地美麗連線,不論是會員資訊、當期新品或最新活動訊息,都將讓您一手掌握!- My L’OCCITANE: 可查詢您的會員個人資料及消費紀錄;也可作為您的購物清單,將喜愛的商品加入;另外可在此查詢您獲得的APP積分- 門市專櫃: 可查詢離您最近的櫃點,並可直接撥打電話;另...
L’OCCITANE將與你隨時隨地美麗連線,不論是會員資訊、當期新品或最新活動訊息,都將讓您一手掌握!- My L’OCCITANE: 可查詢您的會員個人資料及消費紀錄;也可作為您的購物清單,將喜愛的商品加入;另外可在此查詢您獲得的APP積分- 門市專櫃: 可查詢離您最近的櫃點,並可直接撥打電話;另...
Bei dem einfachen Strategiespiel X und O (auch bekannt als Drei gewinnt, Kreis und Kreuz, XXO oder TicTacToe) setzen zwei Spieler abwechselnd auf eine...
L' Enigmista è tornato! Una nuova avvincente sfida ti attende! Preparati a vivere un esperienza tutta nuova, sei pronto??? Logica e pazienza saran...
****Please INSTALL AGAIN until it's Ok if there's error from Google Play**** - Mini blog "Ola Me" with interesting design - More than 200 public rooms...
El OPERADOR LOGÍSTICO ACREDITADO (OLA) es un programa de autorregulación que permite a los actores de comercio exterior contar con las herramientas ne...
Get ready for a new spin on an old classic! Join Dan in his quest to break out of the daily office humdrum as you blast your way through 8 unique leve...
Attention, cette application Vatican fonctionne uniquement sous iOS4, la mise à jour pour iOS5 est en cours. Veuillez nous excuser pour le dérangement...
Damsel is a top-view game where you control a Damsel in Distress trying to avoid enemies and collect gems to obtain a high score. This game has four d...
Vatican City - 3D Virtual TourFly through the Vatican City and enjoy the stunning view of sacred Vatican City. You can view in different camera views ...
Dan Deadman vs. Hangman is the next generation of the classical Hangman game on the iPhone. *** Apps&Co;: "Best iPhone app 2009", Rank 3!!!***In profe...