

你是不是有一个令人讨厌的上司呢?每次他都会吆喝着你去做这个做那个,做不好还要挨训,确实比较烦人!现在,你通过这款游戏可以好好的发泄一番,在游戏中狠狠的揍你的老板一顿! 好吧,向你的老板泄愤吧!华东手指将各种道具扔向楼下的老板,不过要注意了,老板可是会反击的。皮鞋、假牙,小心被击中。通过重力感应来控制...


Berry 50005000 points in a 3-match game – the challenge seems to be so easy in Berry 5000?Are you sure to achieve this rightly? Dare you want to try a...

Falling Down

A calamity has befallen the tranquil planet of the Furries. A strange and mysterious artifact has fallen from the sky changing half the population int...