

Droplins is a game where you will test how fast are your fingers!The drops of water are falling from the sky and you need to destroy them before they ...

Fruit Worm

Fruit Worm is a fun android game for all ages where you need to guide the worm to eat as much fruit as possible... You have limited time before the fr...


HerGünBirFilm, kıyıda köşede kalmış, nispeten az bilinen yahut unutulmuş ama hep iyi filmlerden oluşan bir öneri listesi. Sinema sevgisiyle sinema kül...


《水果精靈Furbos》是一款消除類益智休閒遊戲。滑動你的手指,將相同顏色的精良水果匹配起來,然後不斷將精靈養大,最終獲得分數將會得到升級。遊戲特點: - 一款全新的益智休閒遊戲;- 讓人驚豔的圖片;- 可愛的精靈;- 兩個遊戲模式。https://www.facebook.com/Furbos h...


孟菲斯及其墓地金字塔(阿拉伯语:أهرامات الجيزة‎)是位于埃及開羅郊外,孟菲斯附近,吉薩高原上的考古遺址,其中包括三座金字塔、一個名為狮身人面像的大型雕像、多处墓地及一個工人的村落等。位在距吉薩舊城9公里的沙漠中,在開羅市中心西南方25公里的位置。其中的金字塔在歷史上是西方想像的古埃及的...