

CI Mobile 是一套快速而簡便的行動網路工具,只要一機在手、即可通行無阻地獲取由中華航空提供的即時性訊息,為商旅人士在行程規劃或旅途中不可或缺的旅遊工具。CI Mobile 服務包含:* 訂位購票:輸入出發地、目的地站,人數(成人,孩童),來回(單程),出發、回程日期,艙等,選擇預搭乘班號,選...


Feature• Scan and Photo中華防偽雲 Wetrusty anti-counterfeit Label.• On-Screen comparison and genuine identify.• Official information links and promotion ev...

Touching Me

Touch Me Now is the new game of LapKan Corp.Game include 8 mini game for you to touch and touch.Amazing star and everything you can do with your finge...


Stickers that can be used Line, WeChat Please try to convey the feeling in the sticker picture of the hand entered the loved ones of me. Now that SNS ...