3.01版本更新内容: 1.修复部分bug 2.增加佛书阅读,与佛教资讯功能。 菩提是一款为佛友服务的软件,提供以下服务: 1.护身符---根据亲人或者好友的生肖,可以选择属于他的本命佛,作为他的护身符,保佑避凶趋吉。 2.烧香拜佛---选择供奉的佛祖与供品,随时可以拜佛。 3.佛站导航---众多著...
3.01版本更新内容: 1.修复部分bug 2.增加佛书阅读,与佛教资讯功能。 菩提是一款为佛友服务的软件,提供以下服务: 1.护身符---根据亲人或者好友的生肖,可以选择属于他的本命佛,作为他的护身符,保佑避凶趋吉。 2.烧香拜佛---选择供奉的佛祖与供品,随时可以拜佛。 3.佛站导航---众多著...
菩提道次第廣論v3.0上架了,滿滿20冊的手抄稿 + 全球廣論進度!原文+手抄+音檔 無縫學習的時代來了,努力學習改變我們的生命!『菩提道次第廣論』是宗喀巴大師最為重要的著作之一,主要依據阿底峽尊者的『菩提道燈論』而成。這本道次第從依止善知識及思惟暇滿人生之道前基礎開始,經過念死無常,思惟惡趣苦,思...
Winery Explorer is the winery tour companion- helping you discover exciting experiences waiting at wineries in Western Austraila's winery regions.Wine...
During 1854 travel writer George Borrow journeyed across Wales on foot - over 300 miles! Borrow's colourful book ‘Wild Wales’ records his interaction ...
"Continued use of the flash may dramatically decrease battery life." A flashlight with a gps,compass and a distress signal. Greatest thing since slice...
WildMap is an ideal application for creating or undertaking visitor guides, treasure hunts or quiz trails.CreateUsing the online creation tool simply ...
This app gives you access to topographic maps, tracknotes, photos, terrain profiles and heaps more information for near 1000 walks in NSW.The walks ra...
Now you can have The Wildwoods in the palm of your hand!"Wildwoods" is specifically designed to aid vacationers in Wildwood, North Wildwood, and Wildw...
Do you feel online Google Maps is too slow showing you the map? Do you want an easy way to mark and remember where you are? Do you need a list of stre...
Aplikacja mobilna jest turystycznym przewodnikiem po Międzygórzu, a także największych atrakcjach Kotliny Kłodzkiej. Międzygórze to jedna z najpięknie...