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你手机上的菜篮子,全国各地菜价实时查询,每天从各地批发市场自动更新肉类,蔬菜,水果价格。让你在这个CPI 疯长的时代,买菜拒绝坑爹! 特色菜篮子功能,可以根据添 加进菜篮子的菜推荐菜谱,不再为晚饭吃什么发愁~ 菜谱种类丰富,每道菜都有详细的制作步骤,满足您的美食需求; 您还可以把您的菜肴同步到微博,...
Shopping Cart helps you prepare for your next shopping trip.Contact me if you have problems or suggestions for Shopping Cart (kurtvdb@gmail.com).You c...
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Keep tracks of your money anywhere! Never ever run out of money again!This app show you how much you're going to spend when you'll get to the ...
OneCard Mobile DCT is a part of the Campus OneCard System provided by Heartland Payment Systems - Campus Solutions. The Mobile DCT app combines the ve...
- Prolonged exposure to blue light from the screen of the smartphone is getting dry eyesIt is this vision can fall as well as by inhibiting the hormon...
Enjoy playing a Trivia Game while you learn the Bible and Bible Scriptures better and have fun with the Free Bible Trivia Game Plus. You and your enti...
This game is based on the professional simulation of a ragdoll,now a lot of people ask me,why do you need that ?IT'S A SIMULATOR,EVERYBODY NEEDS O...
Greek Radio is the most simple, fast and clear app for listening all the radio stations from Greece. We have one of the most complete stations list fo...