Shakes Pear
If you're a Shakespeare fan or just like to shake pears, this app is for you. Simply shake your device and out pops a quotation from Shakespeare. ...
If you're a Shakespeare fan or just like to shake pears, this app is for you. Simply shake your device and out pops a quotation from Shakespeare. ...
Shakespeare is a free app with the complete works of Shakespeare (41 plays, 154 sonnets and 6 poems, including doubtful works). • CUSTOMIZE YOUR READI...
***CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP***By: William Shakespeare 1564-1616Othello is the story of a cross-cultural romance between the title...
***CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP***By: William Shakespeare 1564-1616King Lear is widely held as the greatest of Shakespeare’s tragedie...
Hamlet(哈姆雷特) 是消除烦恼、锻炼脑力的灵丹妙药。玩还是不玩?这个问题问得好!答案是玩!否则,您将会错过一个来自未来的人带着时间机器偶然遇到哈姆雷特,然后必须动身去拯救奥菲利娅所引发的一连串好戏!无处不在的迷题、令人捧腹的幽默和天马行空的想象力,Hamlet(哈姆雷特)是消除烦恼、锻炼脑力的...
莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;1564~1616)英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。莎士比亚的代表作有四大悲剧英:《哈姆雷特》(英:Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(英:Othello)、《李尔王》(英:King Lear)、《麦克白》(...
男女搭配干活不累。男主角是骑士,女主角是牧师。男主外,消灭所有来犯之敌;女主内,至于骑士的伤痛。中规中矩的小游戏。全程触控操作保证游戏的游戏性,增添更多乐趣。有骑士精神的客官可以下载尝试一下,无聊的时候上来玩玩,帮助这堆鸳鸯逃出升天。免費玩骑士的故事 APP玩免費免費玩骑士的故事 App骑士的故事 ...
Post to the Zillow Rental Network and all the top rental sites—for free!Welcome to Postlets Beta for Android!Let us know what you think and help make ...
En esta app encontrarás las mejores frases de Navidad cuidadosamente seleccionadas para ti. Son de acceso libre y 100 % gratuitos !La mejor recopilaci...