《采荷叶》游戏背景可爱有趣,讲述黑蛙妖抢占水精灵地盘的故事.强大的蛙妖施展黑魔法,使得大片荷叶疯狂滋长,封死水底下精灵们的逃生之路,而玩家在游戏中正是扮演 “精灵救世主”的角色,只须轻轻动动手指便可以享受当英雄的荣誉感. 画面风格清新特别,在当下以Q版卡通风为主导的浪潮下,《采荷叶》选择了模拟仿真的...
《采荷叶》游戏背景可爱有趣,讲述黑蛙妖抢占水精灵地盘的故事.强大的蛙妖施展黑魔法,使得大片荷叶疯狂滋长,封死水底下精灵们的逃生之路,而玩家在游戏中正是扮演 “精灵救世主”的角色,只须轻轻动动手指便可以享受当英雄的荣誉感. 画面风格清新特别,在当下以Q版卡通风为主导的浪潮下,《采荷叶》选择了模拟仿真的...
青蛙跳荷叶这款游戏,是在一笔画基础的升级和创新之作. 青蛙作为深受人们喜爱的小动物,荷塘给人恬静和平和.青蛙跳荷叶静中有动,动中有静,给人带了荷塘夜色的美感,一定让你爱不释手. 操作说明:点击青蛙相邻的荷叶,让青蛙完成一次跳跃.当青蛙走完所有的路,即可过关. v102,新增20关,更具挑战性.免費玩...
0.简约,休闲,益智游戏。 1.在地图上有很多会旋转的荷叶,你需要通过走到相邻且连通的荷叶向终点前进。 2.当你进入一片无路可走的荷叶时,将宣告游戏失败。 3.游戏非常简单,但又隐含重重陷阱,需要仔细思考才能通过,记住,不动脑子,你永远不可能过关,大部分人过不了很多关。 4.已经通过的关卡,你可以再...
The project OrbiPocket is, as the name suggests, made with the realization of the idea "the world in your pocket.". Because we are aware of the techno...
Droplins is a game where you will test how fast are your fingers!The drops of water are falling from the sky and you need to destroy them before they ...
Easter Day is a big holiday and our little girl loves it so much. Now, let's dress her up with pretty dress, stunning accessories and have fun! In...
Fruit Worm is a fun android game for all ages where you need to guide the worm to eat as much fruit as possible... You have limited time before the fr...
HerGünBirFilm, kıyıda köşede kalmış, nispeten az bilinen yahut unutulmuş ama hep iyi filmlerden oluşan bir öneri listesi. Sinema sevgisiyle sinema kül...
《水果精靈Furbos》是一款消除類益智休閒遊戲。滑動你的手指,將相同顏色的精良水果匹配起來,然後不斷將精靈養大,最終獲得分數將會得到升級。遊戲特點: - 一款全新的益智休閒遊戲;- 讓人驚豔的圖片;- 可愛的精靈;- 兩個遊戲模式。https://www.facebook.com/Furbos h...
relax with nihongo (c) akatori is for people who study Japanese. You can use your Japanese while relaxing. Please enjoy this simple, bite size Japanes...