草間彌生 永遠の永遠の永遠 for Andorid
【著者名】草間彌生【出版社名】朝日新聞社【内容紹介】草間彌生公認!Android用公式アプリ(電子版図録)が登場!世界的な現代美術家として活躍する草間彌生の最新作を紹介する展覧会『草間彌生 永遠の永遠の永遠』の、Android用公式アプリ(電子版図録)です。展覧会に出品された全作品をお手元で見ること...
【著者名】草間彌生【出版社名】朝日新聞社【内容紹介】草間彌生公認!Android用公式アプリ(電子版図録)が登場!世界的な現代美術家として活躍する草間彌生の最新作を紹介する展覧会『草間彌生 永遠の永遠の永遠』の、Android用公式アプリ(電子版図録)です。展覧会に出品された全作品をお手元で見ること...
Congress of Psychiatry (EPA2013). The EPA 2013 app gives you the opportunity to: - Browse, search and view the full EPA2013 Scientific Programme by Sp...
Pop Art! displays a slideshow of HUNDREDS of the most stunning images of pop art from around the world -- you’ve NEVER seen a collection like this! So...
CipherMail for Android is an Android application which can be used with your existing Android mail application to send and receive S/MIME digitally si...
亞洲大學-亞洲現代美術館(Asia Museum of Modern Arts)建築主體由清水混凝土與帷幕牆構成,室內面積1,244坪,戶外場域6,000坪依建築師安藤忠雄的設計,以正三角形為設計基本元素將正三角形的平面分割成3個樓層,錯落堆疊成不規則無數個三角形。藉由錯落平移而產生的天井空間和戶外...
Qbon 蒐集全台食衣住行育樂各類優惠票券與好康,隨時開啟優惠牆,瀏覽附近包括萊爾富、Pizza Hut等眾多好康,與熱門外送服務foodpanda、美麗華百樂園的優惠大方送,隨地隨取即用。也能瀏覽品牌牆,發掘你喜歡的品牌優惠。Qbon在手,讓App 不只是 App,更是隨身優惠百寶箱,任何好康優惠...
Quick and simple Magnifying Glass app that will magnify anything you want just launch it and point at the item. Once you have the item in focus and th...
This is a story about 1 of the 300 spartans who overslept on the morning of the great battle of Leuctra. He ran in search of his comrades to be part o...
Exciting and simple www.DanceRadio.lv app 24/7 giving EDM fans quality upfront electronic dance music and great radio shows from world renowned DJs. I...
The SunQuest Vacations App is designed for rental guests vacationing at properties managed by SunQuest Vacations and visitors interested in finding ou...