
Love Story

Most romantic love stories contains more than 30+ true love stories from all over the world. Everyone searching for true love in the world. Love if we...


放生十大功德(一)无刀兵劫。 (二)集诸吉祥。 (三)长寿健康。 (四)多子宜男。. (五)诸佛欢喜。(六)物类感恩。(七)无诸灾难。 (八)得生天上。 (九)盖烟酒之癖,恋爱之魔,缠绕众人。 如众生报恩,则诸恶消灭,四季安宁。 (十)人人戒杀放生,则生生不息,善心相感, 正似子孙代代相传,永远福寿...

Nightmare Lite

*This game is light version which includes some parts of "the Nightmare" the paid version.Blow out the demons and escape from the world of nightmare !...