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泛泛( FunFun )是一款基于地理位置的社交娱乐工具。通过泛泛,你可以轻松找到附近的人,查看 TA 的位置、个人信息和照片,与 TA 聊天互动、分享心语。泛泛团队致力于为用户搭建一个社交平台,让一次次擦肩而过不再视而不见,让一个个十字路口不再左灯右行。让我们从“泛泛之友”开始吧!免費玩泛泛 AP...


Berry 50005000 points in a 3-match game – the challenge seems to be so easy in Berry 5000?Are you sure to achieve this rightly? Dare you want to try a...

Falling Down

A calamity has befallen the tranquil planet of the Furries. A strange and mysterious artifact has fallen from the sky changing half the population int...