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逸馨園創立於民國86年間,園區以優美的江南庭園式造景,小橋流水、垂柳、景觀瀑布、潺潺流水映入眼簾。園內提供大、小包廂,各類茶茗、可口點心、茶食、套餐,並精心設計有親子遊戲區供兒童休憩,不論聚餐、開會、品茗、親子同樂,都是您最佳的選擇場所。 歡迎下載APP,本APP提供多樣化功能,包括集點、最新消息、...
Experience the pristine nature of America's national parks from the palm of your hand. Browse over 100 interactive photos of national parks in America...
National Theatre of Scotland Scanner is a free app that enables you to scan images from select publications and take a look behind the scenes and watc...
See history on your Apple device! Amazing REAL photos of Native Americans from Apache, Cherokee and Pima Tribes plus many others. Pictures of Geronimo...
Aplikace vám umožňuje pořizovat a nahrávat videa přímo z ulice do redakce NatočVideo.cz. Videa zveřejňujeme na webových stránkách www.natocvideo.cz. K...
+++++AMAZING NATURAL PHOTO FRAMES FOR IOS++++With more than 100 high resolution frames in NATURAL topic. This is a great app for all of you to design ...
Natural Instant Photo Frames + Wallpapers - the hottest and most collection of instant photo frames to customize your photo.Make your photos unforgett...