抓住瞬间好音乐! 只知道旋律,怎么找歌? 听到一首好听的音乐却不知道歌名? 用音乐搜索音乐,听歌识曲,哼唱搜歌, 只需几秒,尽享音乐之美! 【独特优势】 最快识别:最快1秒识别出正在播放的音乐。 最大曲库:全球最大的音乐曲库索引库,中文歌曲库尤其领先。 最高识别率:歌曲识别准确率国际第一。免費玩瞬间...
《疯狂伯特 Burt Destruction》帮助伯特破坏和他的好友大脚战胜的力量,雪人和他在这个令人兴奋的新的一些成熟的严重扭曲的心腹。你有甜美的技能和快如闪电的反射战胜疯狂的小精灵的,McGuillicutty的,和巨大的恶德龙,Wormenstein吗?收集硬币,升级道具,升级你的盟友,你的追...
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The UNISA Results application allows you to check your UNISA (University of South Africa) examination results via the open-ended web link.If you allow...
Ders kitabı cevapları, çalışma kitabı cevapları artık google play'de. Mobil kullanıcılar için tamamen ücretsiz ve hızlı.Ders kitabı cevapları uygu...
A clever approach for learning, using recognition of shapes and sounds. Also with the Educational and Echoic Memory Games not only you will learn as y...
The industry’s first radio station app that allows users to listen to their favorite Punjabi radio stations without using a data plan by using your de...
The Radio Chardi Kala call-to-listen app gives you access to unique programming without using your data plan. It will only use your voice minutes and ...
Rekenen-tafels (vermenigvuldigen) is een educatieve app die ontwikkeld voor kinderen is om de tafels van 1 tot en met 10 te kunnen oefenen en leren. D...